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蘭嶼lanyu是位於台灣東南邊的一個小島,族語民稱Pongso no Tao,族語之意人之島( 有人居具的島嶼)。 島上居民主要為雅美族(逹悟族),台灣原住民十六族中唯一原居離島並擁有獨特海洋文化的民族,而在部落耆老口訴中,千百年前,我們一族亦是可追溯祖源菲律賓最北群島之原住民族。



Lanyu, located off the southeastern coast of Taiwan, is a charming island known as Pongso no Tao in the local indigenous language, meaning "Island of the People." Inhabited primarily by the Yami tribe, the only indigenous group among Taiwan's sixteen tribes originally residing on an offshore island, they boast a unique maritime culture. According to tribal elders' oral history, our roots can be traced back to the northernmost islands of the Philippines thousands of years ago.
Presently, Lanyu thrives on tourism as its main economic driver. Beyond its abundant natural ecology, the island treasures a South Islander maritime culture with over a thousand years of history, still followed in daily life along the ancestral cultural path.
With its rich marine life and the enigmatic indigenous culture, Lanyu has become a magnet for travelers worldwide. Crossing the Pacific to immerse themselves in the simple charm of the ocean and local customs, visitors witness the international allure of its ecological beauty. Some say a visit to this island is a must in one's lifetime to avoid regrets. Welcome to our little paradise – come and explore!



執行單位|米巴比亞社會企業有限公司 巴拉冠民宿 島民製作
截圖 2024-08-17 下午11.38.33.png
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